March 9, 2009

Sunday Laundry Shirt Dress GIVEAWAY!!!!

Sunday Laundry Shirt Dress GIVEAWAY!!!!

I love free stuff!!! I so love this dress!!!! And yet, the purpose of the blog as a whole kinda makes me head-scratch. I mean, most of this is "Oh look at who's sponsoring me!" (well, and a bunch of "here's free stuff!" which I can't argue with :P). If it's paying for bandwidth to host her store, I get that. What I don't get is that every single time I try to view her store (I've tried a half dozen times in the last few days), I'm told it's down for maintenance :( How am I sposed to oggle pretty things if I can't access them? Like I said, head-scratch. I really really wanna see the things she sells if this is the sort of stuff she gives away, ya know?

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